DIY Dress Form // Copying My Corseted Form for Victorian Dress Sewing

by Morgan Donner

DIY Dress Form // Copying My Corseted Form for Victorian Dress Sewing


Have you always wanted a custom to your body dress form Or one that works with historical corsets and foundations Duct Tape not quite what you re looking for Make a beautifully pinnable form in just a week with Expanding Foam Products Used in This Video All Amazon links below are affiliate links No extra cost to you but they send me a few cents if you find a product you d like to purchase Water from your faucet probs FOAM NOTE I purchased the half gallon kit of which I used 100 I am a size 8 10 12 in case that helps anyone trying to decide how much to buy Amazon Affiliate Page for links to my various sewing supplies and camera equipment Follow me My PO box I love postcards PO Box 25695Seattle WA 98165Business email for official business things Morgan tbhonestsocial com



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