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Chatty drugstore makeup tutorial for you today In this video I m sharing how to get that mermaid eye look based on a thumbnail from a recent video that has gotten a LOT of questions for a tutorial This blue green eyeshadow from NYX is one of my favorites and when paired up with neutral browns it really pops beautifully LOVE Shop my lash line Cruelty free synthetic and human hair styles PRODUCTS USEDEYES Revlon eyeshadow primer Wet N Wild Brûlée eyeshadow Revolution Light and Shade palette Rimmel Scandaleyes Brown eyelinerFACE Covergirl Clean Matte Setting Powder No 7 Bronzer in Golden SandLIPS Maybelline Blushing Beige lipstick Links included are affiliate links S N A P C H A Tzabby babeI N S T A G R A MZabrenaXOT W I T T E R ZabrenaXOF A C E B O O KZabrenaXOS N A I L M A I L235 Apollo Beach Blvd 214Apollo Beach FL 33572 Thank YOU for watching XOXO Z
Самый лучший магазин бисера и фурнитуры: https://melodiabisera.ru/?promo_id=193982 Код для получения скидки 5% - fr555
Our channels: •Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/loulouminidachshund •Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loulouminidachshund •...
最近また良くやっている アンティークピンクカラーを使ったメイクを ご紹介します★
Hi guys, and welcome to my Pastel Daydreams colab with Stacey Ward.
🌷Under the sea Embroidery Pattern : https://drive.google.com/file/d/176FRlu0yIXDrhQt8jYdTJkHcUjj4VjJZ/view?usp=sharing 🌷 바닷속 자수 나눔...
💜 Thank you all so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed! 💜 💋 Watch more amazing beauty compilations: https://youtube.com/playl...
Same recipe with music : https://youtu.be/aNoheGvNrqg
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