【辛卡の屁貓日記】2 會吸人的貓??麥麥最愛的三件事
屁貓麥麥最喜歡的三件事~~~ 影片中有些片段是之前錄的 所以還可以看見阿馬的身影QQ
How to Finish a Leather or Cord Necklace DIY Jewelry Tutorial In this video I show you how to finish off a leather or cord necklace using fold over end crimps You can use these cords for any of your favorite pendants they make a great casual style necklace Enjoy USED IN THIS VIDEO ADDITIONAL TOOLS MATERIALS RELATED VIDEOS DIY 2 sided Washer Pendants DIY Glass and Paper Pendants DIY Nail Polish Painted Pendant DIY Glue on Bails DISCLOSURE some product links are affiliate links meaning I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase at NO extra cost to you These earnings go toward purchasing my own supplies for the projects I share on this channel Thanks so much for your continued support JewelryTutorialHQ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon com
屁貓麥麥最喜歡的三件事~~~ 影片中有些片段是之前錄的 所以還可以看見阿馬的身影QQ
인스타그램 : https://www.instagram.com/silver_snow_/ 이메일 : eunsul9988@hanmail.net 블로그: http://blog.naver.com/eunsul9988
ドライフラワーと、100均材料を使ってクリスマスのシャンパンカクテルをイメージした雫形のチャームを作りました(*´꒳`*)↓下に材料と購入店を書いています↓ ドライフラワーの作り方:https://youtu.be/KcinmN2-Ovc 「ドライフラワーを5...
Hey Beauties!!! Today I am going to be doing a GRWM trying new makeup. I hope you all enjoy! -Mel INSTAGRAM https://www.instagra...
Well dang it, if strawberries and meringues aren't the BEST things in the world to eat together! Which is why this cupcake has bee...
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