DIY Faux Fur clutch bag, no sew and budget friendly Primark hack

by Dainty Diaries

DIY Faux Fur clutch bag, no sew and budget friendly Primark hack


Want to make your very own budget friendly faux fur bag I transformed a Primark clutch bag into a fluffy faux fur bag Using only some fabric glue and a string of faux fur I transformed this bag into something more luxurious and expensive looking Come follow me Blog daintydressdiaries comInstagram daintydressdiariesFacebook daintydressdiariesSnapchat daintydiariesThank you so much for your continued support on my Blog and Youtube channel I always read through the comments and I really appreciate your kindness Music is from epidemic Sound which is a music subscription service for creators howto diy fashiondiy fashionhacks daintydiaries craft



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