DIY Flowers on Clothes, Stitching Ideas with Ribbons by Hand

by HandiWorks

DIY Flowers on Clothes, Stitching Ideas with Ribbons by Hand


DIY Flowers on Clothes Stitching Ideas with Ribbons by Hand Ribbon embroidery is a 3 dimensional embroidery in which you stitch beautiful designs with ribbons on the needle instead of embroidery floss The effect is simply stunning given the vivid colors of ribbon be it silk or synthetic ribbon and the smooth silky luster of the ribbons Tell me what do you think and you can also check my other tutorials Things You Need 1 Embroidery Hoop2 Satin Ribbon 13mm 7mm 3 Needle 4 Fabric I used Osnaburg fabric you can also use linen or any other fabric 5 Anchor Perle Cotton ThreadsSUBSCRIBE LET S CONNECT Amazon



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