DIY Flowers on Clothes, Stitching Ideas with Ribbons by Hand
DIY Flowers on Clothes Stitching Ideas with Ribbons by Hand Ribbon embroidery is a 3 dimensional embroidery in which you stitch beautiful designs with ribbons on the needle instead of embroidery floss The effect is simply stunning given the vivid colors of ribbon be it silk or synthetic ribbon and the smooth silky luster of the ribbons Tell me what do you think and you can also check my other tutorials Things You Need 1 Embroidery Hoop2 Satin Ribbon 13mm 7mm 3 Needle 4 Fabric I used Osnaburg fabric you can also use linen or any other fabric 5 Anchor Perle Cotton ThreadsSUBSCRIBE LET S CONNECT Amazon
Euphoria’s Alexa Demie Shares ...
Alexa Demie shares her '90s glam makeup tutorial and how she gets the perfect winged liner, every single time. Directed by Reb...
型紙 15cm×11cm 15cm×7cm
Watch Me Resin 27 Sunset Theme...
Sorry for the repost! This is an older video of mine, i had just received my custom mold from the lovely MilkyRainbowwDeco (links ...
Burgundy Fall Makeup Tutorial ...
😍 Subscribe to my channel : :) 💄 DO MY MAKEUP video/game : 🍕 Check out my SECOND Cha...
One stroke painting for beginn...
One stroke painting for beginners/One stroke painting techniques. facebook-
十種經典厚片吐司抹醬 10 Toast Spread
十種我最常吃的厚片土司的口味變化,自製吐司抹醬為自己的健康把關。五種鹹口味(大蒜奶油/鮪魚洋蔥/蔥花餡/焗烤起司/火腿起司)、五種甜口味(花生醬/芝麻醬/椰子奶酥醬/榛果巧克力醬/草莓果醬),一個月的早餐口味不重複! 十種厚片吐司抹醬: https://cia...