Improve Your Art | Understandi...
Let's talk about color! Understanding the color wheel is so important when you're starting out as a creative, so in this video I'l...
4 DIY holiday craft ideas using up cycled materials from around your home ___CONNECT WITH KIN COMMUNITYWe are a community of creators making our homes uniquely our own one project at a time Make your way home with Kin Community
Let's talk about color! Understanding the color wheel is so important when you're starting out as a creative, so in this video I'l...
확실히 치미가 어려웠던 것이었다..★ 이번에는 귀여운 타타 커스텀 쿠키 만들었어요! ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼더보기 버튼 꼭 클릭해주세요▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Всем привет! В этом видео я хотела бы вам показать процесс изготовления вот такой броши рыбки из пайеток, бисера, бусин и страз.
Another day another good bye.. Goodbye Pink!! Follow Pink's new life in Boston:
歌い手・踊り手アーティスト「舞」【第三回Kawaii Pateenオーディション合格者】 KAWAII PATEEN初登場!! 今回は、ライブの時にするライブメイク。
Hey guys! I'm finally sharing my current TOP foundations that I've been using and keeping in my professional makeup kit lately. I...
Leave a comment below to be entered in the giveaway. Make sure to leave a comment on Facebook too so you have two chances to win. ...
柴犬リコやキジトラ猫リリの尻尾遊びが大好きな子猫リタ♪ 最近キジトラ猫リムの尻尾でも遊ばせてもらえるようになりました(#^^#) リムが尻尾をパタンパタン♪ それに跳びつく子猫リタ♥甘噛みがちょっと痛かったみたいで怒られちゃった(*´艸`) リリやリムに教わっ...
海外のネイルアートまとめ#372 ♥ マニキュア
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