by KathleenLights



Hey Guys WATCH IN HD Here is my new little colourpop collection for the holidays I wanted something warm and wearable with a festive twist I hope you enjoy Thanks for watching xoxo Products I Mentioned Twinkling lights Liquid Lip Bundle Lucky Star Little Star Night Light Etoile Twinkling Lights Super Shock Shadow Foursome Blitzen Glisten Light Up Vela GET MY COLOURPOP COLLABS HEREWhat I m Wearing Sweater Earrings Forever 21Nails KL POLISH Winter is Coming Brows Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark BrownFace Giorgio Armani Power Fabric Foundation Jouer Essential Concealer Thrive Causemetics Rhea Bronzer Hourglass UNLOCKED Ambient Lighting PaletteEyes Colourpop Dream St Palette Blitzen Light Up Loreal Lash Paradise Mascara Lips Colourpop Ultra Satin Lip in Lucky Star GET MY OFRA LIPSTICKS HERE USE COUPON CODE Kathleen30 TO GET 30 OFF GET 10 OFF ON MORPHE BRUSHES WITH MY COUPON CODE Kathleenlights If you are a business company who would like to contact me about reviewing a product please email me at kathleenlights22 gmail comDon t forget to follow me on my social media sites Instagram KathleenlightsTwitter Kathleenlights1 FAQ What camera do you use Canon 80D What do you use to edit your videos Final Cut Pro Where did you get your vanity Danny actually built it for meHey I m Kathleen An oddball Aquarius with a love for all things beauty I keep it simple on this channel and give reviews and tutorials and sometimes I do fun challenges but for the most part I stay pretty old school I upload on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays unless otherwise noted usually on Twitter so be sure to follow me there If I am doing a sponsored video it will be on one of my off days so you get bonus content I absolutely love getting ideas from you guys so please always tell me what kind of videos you want to see in the comments and don t forget to subscribe and click the notification bell to stay up to date with my content FTC This video is NOT sponsored Morphe Ofra codes are affiliate codes kathleenlights colourpop holidaycollection



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