焚き火でジブリ飯 【アリエッティ】のクリームシチューとチーズ...
今回は、ジブリアニメの 『借りぐらしのアリエッティ』 でお父さんがパンに大きな穴あきチーズを載せて窯で焼くチーズパンと木の器で頂くブロッコリーの入ったクリームシチューを作ってみました。 雰囲気が出るように食材、食器、BGM等を選んで制作しておりますのでお楽しみ...
LIKE if you noticed the fidget spinner loading symbol D Lots of people have requested more clay tutorials so here s a fun room decor or xmas gift idea D This re uses a fidget spinner which most people probably have at home already Fidget spinners are on sale everywhere now so even you don t have one you can definitely buy one pretty cheaply I simply made a clay Pusheen to sit on top which turned out to be surprisingly fun to play with I think this makes a lovely touching gift for parents since they can keep this on on their desk at work Many people will probably ask about polymer clay substitution here and sadly that DOESN T work for several reasons 1 You will have to bake it with the fidget spinner and this isn t possible if the spinner has plastic or rubber components Even if it s fine to bake the clay shrinks in the process and will most likely end up falling off the spinner 2 This is a fairly large piece so it ll be significantly more expensive to make using polymer clay You cannot mix paint into polymer clay either so you have to account for getting clay in different colours in order to create all the colours needed 3 Polymer clay is much heavier than paper clay so it won t spin for quite as long This is assuming it actually stays on the spinner which I have doubts about DIY Clay Shopping Links GOOD CLAY BRANDS Hearty Soft Claycraft Deco Mermaid Puffy Martha Stewart Craft ClayOK CLAY BRANDS Crayola Model Magic dries very slowly Daiso Clay fuzzy texture difficult to sculpt AWFUL CLAY BRANDS Fimo Air Light Efaplast Light both are impossible to work with and completely different in texture to Hearty Soft or other silky paper clays More DIY Pusheen Tutorial Links Snapchat Username maqaroon c Joanna Zhou 2017This video is not sponsored Contains affiliate links
今回は、ジブリアニメの 『借りぐらしのアリエッティ』 でお父さんがパンに大きな穴あきチーズを載せて窯で焼くチーズパンと木の器で頂くブロッコリーの入ったクリームシチューを作ってみました。 雰囲気が出るように食材、食器、BGM等を選んで制作しておりますのでお楽しみ...
クラシエ の 知育菓子 、 にじいろつぶつぶランド を作ってみました。 つぶゼリーをきれいに並べるのがけっこう難しいですが、その分グミがうまくできた時の感動はひとしおです。
ゴールデンウィークに撮影してアップするのを忘れていた動画を見つけたのでアップします(汗) タペストリーとかパズルとかの感じに、かわいいビスケットやボーロをたくさん並べてのせたチョコレートブラウニー作りました。ビスケットを選ぶときから楽しいブラウニーです。
https://youtu.be/sqogRSN6Z2A ↑体の制作(仕上げ)はこちら💁♀️
[速水もこみち流] #063 桜えびとアスパラの和風パスタ〜温玉のせ〜 ※日本語字幕ついてます / English subtitle available /
안녕하세요, 소잉타임즈입니다. 오늘은 조그만 사이즈의 반지갑을 만들어 봤어요. 바이어스 없이 심플하게 만들어 보니 너무 깔끔하네요. 지폐, 카드, 동전 모두 수납이 가능하도록 했구요, 별도의 패턴이 없어도 만들 수 있도록 자세히 알려...
丸が好きなあなたへ!まんまるレシピ ベスト12
Шаблон https://ibb.co/RYj1F1B
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