BEST & WORST // Drugstore Cream Products RANKED

by Jessica Braun | JAMbeauty89

BEST & WORST // Drugstore Cream Products RANKED


My best worst trying to rank all of my drugstore cream and liquid products blush bronzer highlight duos Links prices timestamps are below S U B S C R I B E INSTA TWITTER FB jambeauty89FTC DISCLAIMER This video is NOT sponsored This post does contain affiliate referral links which means that if you purchase anything through the use of my links with amzn to go magik ly or bit ly I receive a small commission All opinions are my own honest opinions regardless of sponsorship referral links and or affiliation T I M E S T A M P S 1 13 Cream vs Liquid1 41 Application Methods Tips3 04 Bronzers5 58 Blush12 38 Highlighters16 47 Duo Sticks R E F E R R A L L I N K S M O R E T O W A T C H M E N T I O N E D Sephora 41 Pro Domed Stippling Brush 36Ecotools Brush that s similar to that one 5 99Morphe M404 8ELF Stippling Brush 4burt s bees all aglow bronzer stick 9 49wet n wild bronzer stick oak s on you 4 29 milk baked bronzer stick physicians formula sculpting bronzer 9 99revlon insta blush 5burt s bees all aglow blush stick 9 49nyx cosmetics bare with me cheek stickCan t find in stock online I think it was already discontinued wet n wild megaglo blush stick 4colourpop blush stix 8shades cool it and alohaulta beauty cream blush sunrise 10Physicians Formula Organic Wear Dewy Blush Elixir Gorgeous Peach 9 99flower beauty blush bomb pinched 10 elf aqua beauty blush bronzer duo 6 revlon insta fix highlighter stick 7 99kokie strobe light stick 5 99makeup revolution liquid highlighter 9maybelline master strobing stick 6 59physicians formula dewy highlighter stick 10colourpop lite stix urth 8rimmel insta duo contour stick 5 99nyx cosmetics wonder swipe 8 40 M O R E I N F O EMAIL for Business jambeauty89 gmail comMusic BenSound com or Youtube Audio Library drugstoremakeup makeup beautyfaves



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