暖暖好過冬~ 準備替貓咪們換季,來開箱好味家的冬季用品! 這次要介紹的是 @宜得利家居 的 N WARM 系列, 接下來就可以和貓咪們一起溫暖過冬啦~
I made TWIN PURSE BAG with double zipper clousure today I ve shared a pattern so you can make this Share this video with a lot of people who need it Have a good time Finished size 22 8¾ W 13 5⅛ H 10 4 DFree Pattern DownloadMaterialsOuter layer fabric 27 16 5 10¾ 6½ 4 10 22 4 8¾ 1 6 70 2⅜ 27⅝ 1Lining fabric 27 16 5 10¾ 6½ 4Zipper 2 20 8 View other video DIY bag sewingPurse tutorialPouch diyEasy sewing craftsSHORTCUTS SEWINGTIMES sewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe music used in my video Music www bensound combensound clearday sewingtimes diypursebag bagtutorial
暖暖好過冬~ 準備替貓咪們換季,來開箱好味家的冬季用品! 這次要介紹的是 @宜得利家居 的 N WARM 系列, 接下來就可以和貓咪們一起溫暖過冬啦~
안녕하세요! 시바몬TV의 시바몬입니다! 이번 시간에는 수제 코로로 만들기 2탄을 찍어봤어요! 다른 과일 그리고 새로운 꿀팁이 추가 됐으니 내용이 궁금하신 분들은 영상 재미있게 봐주세요 ^_^
***READ*** if u want Helloo Hope you liked it here's the recipe!! Feel free to half, double, or triple the recipe!
本物みたい‼︎ レジンで作るフルーツキーホルダー
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