カワウソ コタロー 歌う鳥が怖くて大泣きしてしまう Kot...
I promise you may thank me for this someday Here is my list of 5 things I think you should NEVER plant unless you are a zookeeper avoid wisteria Virginia creeper trumpet vine Bambu and anything in your geography and or climate that you know to be invasive and or danger to natives
こんにちは😃セルフネイル〜self NAIL〜です ご視聴いただきありがとうございます😊
Hello! Hello! Wow did I have a fun time editing all this footage together. I actually played around a lot more with text and I kin...
チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします VAVI MELLO × 新希咲乃 コスメ販売ページはこちら♡⇓ http://www.dholic.co.jp/Nshopping/ItemShopping_brand.asp?site=R&brand_seq=179&u...
Good day friends! I want to share with you one of the ways to do ranunkulyus of fabric or satin ribbons. In the first version, I u...
2019/11/1限定発売の「Dior」ホリデーコレクションを紹介します🎄💕 人気のアイシャドウの限定品やベストセラーのリップが詰まった豪華なセットなど、ワクワクするコスメが沢山登場しています😊✨クリスマスのネオンに負けないくらい煌びやかでゴージャスなラインナ...
混ぜて冷やして作ろう!ブルベリーアイス | Blueberry ice cream
This pizza bread is in a cute Mickey shape.It contains whole wheat flour, so it's filling!【Eating Videos】⇒https://youtu.be/blIE09b...
No matter how much he eats, he ends up screaming sadly.
I'm in Tokyo Japan exploring Ameyayokocho Market which is the city's street food paradise. This is one of the few "flea markets" i...
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