Eleven Raccoons Stuck Inside Porch

by Gates Wildlife Control

Eleven Raccoons Stuck Inside Porch


Rescuing 11 RaccoonsGates Wildlife Field Supervisor Joel was called out to rescue 11 raccoons from a closed in porch of a home As you will see in the video the house was under full renovation and the back door was left open one night Once inside the raccoons made their way through a broken window leading into the front porch of the home One by one the raccoons must have followed each other into the porch area The window was too high for the raccoons to get back inside and the front door to the porch was closed leaving this group of raccoons stuck for the night The next day the construction workers showed up to find 11 raccoons huddled in the front room and immediately called us not knowing what to do Joel was able to use his catch pole to carefully persuade each raccoon one by one outdoors One raccoon ran out the door before the video had started In case anyone is counting Video taken by Gates Wildlife Field Supervisor Joel Music Credit www bensound comPlease give this video of thumbs up if you enjoyed it We GET THEM OUT and KEEP THEM OUT Follow Our Adventures



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