How to make Classic Round White bouquet | DIY Wedding Bouquet


How to make Classic Round White bouquet | DIY Wedding Bouquet


Hello friends Today I want to show how to make classic round white wedding bouquet with white roses and peony This is a classic bouquet of round shape which always looks gorgeous gentle and feminine This video is about how to make a bridal bouquet at home by yourself for your wedding day Create a classic round bouquet with helpful tips from a professional florist in this free video on wedding flowers The flowers I used astilba rose peony eucalyptusI really hope that you appreciate my work and the beauty of this bouquet This video is about how to make a bridal bouquet at home by yourself for your wedding day Create a classic round bouquet with helpful tips from a professional florist in this free video on wedding flowers Also subscribe to my channel OH MY DIY On my YouTube channel you can find creative inspiration and tutorials on DIY projects styling painting and even cooking All our videos aspire to encourage playfulness and creativity for all ages kids and adults alike COMMENT BELOW and let me know what you think See my other WEDDING SERIES episodes and be sure you are SUBSCRIBED to my chanel XOXO Kseniya Find me TWITTER twitter com FlowerLab_uaFACEBOOK www facebook com flordesignkievINSTAGRAM www instagram com flor design www instagram com kseniyagrygorenko



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