How to Create: Kaleidoscope D...
Today YN senior mentor Melissa DeLaCruz @mjay_delacruz teaches you how to create one of her most highly requested dimensional desi...
Hey guys I am so incredibly excited for today s video I finally got my hands on the Chanel Collection Libre makeup collection This is their Holiday 2018 beauty collection In Today s video I do a haul give you guys some swatches and a tutorial as well Let me know down in the comments what look I should do next with the collection TIME STAMPSHaul 1 01Swatches 7 16Tutorial 9 57SHOP COLLECTION LIBRE Chanel Ombre Première 905 Électro Lamé Chanel Ombre Première 906 Vert Lamé Chanel Ombre Première 907 Cuivre Lamé Chanel Ombre Première Noir Lamé Chanel Rouge Coco Gloss 812 Flaming Lips Chanel Le Vernis 918 FlamboyanceLet s connect MORE FALL MAKEUP LOOKSCHANEL FALL LOOKDIOR SMOKEY EYEMAKEUP WORNFACE Too Faced Hangover Primer Dior Face Body Foundation NYX Professional Colour Corrector Cle De Peau Concealer Bobbi Brown Sheer Pressed Powder Chanel Joues Contrast 72 Rose Initiale Benefit Hoola Bronzer Chanel Ombre Première 905 Électro LaméEYES NARS Pro Prime Eyeshadow Primer Chanel Les 4 Ombres Candeur et Expérience Chanel Ombre Première 905 Électro Lamé Chanel Ombre Première 906 Vert Lamé Chanel Ombre Première 907 Cuivre Lamé Chanel Volume MascaraEYEBROWS Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Definer Medium Brown Chanel Le Correcteur 20 Chanel Le Gel Sourcils 370 BrunLIPS Chanel Le Vernis 918 FlamboyanceNAILS Vitry Nail Repair Nail Base Chanel Le Horizon Line Essence The Gel Top Coat DISCLAIMER Some of the links used in the description box are Magic Links which will lead you directly to a site were you can purchase said item If you choose to purchase these items I will get a small commission off of them That being said all thoughts and opinions are my own and this video is not sponsored by any company or brand These items were sent to me for free chanelholiday2018 collectionlibre chanelchristmas2018 chanelcollectionlibre chanellame chanelholidaycollection chanelchristmascollection luxurymakeup highendmakeup
Today YN senior mentor Melissa DeLaCruz @mjay_delacruz teaches you how to create one of her most highly requested dimensional desi...
Hey guys! Here's a quick tutorial for a simple apple manicure! I created this using Maxus polishes which are the SHINIEST polishe...
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感謝大家看這個影片❤️ 跑了大概十家屈臣氏...最後在離我家第二近的店面買到眼影盤:)
Поддержать BobCat ТВ: Карта сбербанка 5469 5500 6399 1514 Валеева Екатерина Сергеевна. Донаты:
By Shasha Creative World I have made this embroidery of rose flowers with woven wheel stitch or woven spider web stitch,stem stitc...
バターが高いのでオイルのクッキーを焼きました。 粉の中に加えたのは「オリーブオイル!」 ザクザク~の固いクッキーはちょー私好み♡ なんなら桃なんかも林檎並みに固いのが好きです。 バターのクッキーと比べると風味の点で負けますが、食べ物は勝ち負けでなく好みだと思う...
最近コスメを多めに持ち歩くことが何度かあってこのポーチたちを使ったんだけどすごく使いやすかった💛💜持ち歩くコスメはあまり変わらないからいつものお気に入りのコスメです✨普段にはもちろんいいけど、お直しにも使いやすいからおすすめ😙💕 ポーチも可愛いとテンション上が...
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