Dutch Braids with a RETRO TWIST by SweetHearts Hair

by SweetHearts Hair

Dutch Braids with a RETRO TWIST by SweetHearts Hair


Hi everyone todays tutorial is a cute twist on the retro victory rolls This was a style common in the 1940 s and 50 s We have jazzed it up with two adorable dutch braids and a upside down french braid If you enjoyed this tutorial make sure to like comment and subscribe and check out our other videos If you recreate this style be sure to tag us on Instagram or use the hashtag SweetHeartsHair or SweetheartsrRETROTWIST For more updates from Beth and the SweetHearts team follow the link below Thanks for watching i hope you love the video Please like and comment any future videos you would like to see Click the bell when you subscribe for notifications when i upload new videos



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