DIY Dumpling Zip Pouch | 조개 파우치 만들기 | How to sew zipper pouch - ladies purse making sewingtimes

by sewingtimes

DIY Dumpling Zip Pouch | 조개 파우치 만들기 | How to sew zipper pouch - ladies purse making sewingtimes


I made a cute dumpling pouch This is as simple as making a piece of fabric I shared a pattern that I could draw with A4 paper Let s make it with me Finished size length 18cm height 12cm width 8cmFabric size Floral outer layer24 10cm 2sheetsBrown color outer layer24 16cm 1sheetLining24 32cm 1sheetIf you want to see more videos Tote bag tutorialsEasy sewing craftsPouch diyDiy bag sewingsewingtimes Youtubesewingtimes Blogsewingtimes Businessnancy7531 gmail comThe first song isCreative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3 0 Unported CC BY SA 3 0The second song isThe last song is sewingtimes dumplingpouch zipperpouch



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