Easy caramel custard recipe | Caramel Pudding Recipe

by Spice Bangla

Easy caramel custard recipe | Caramel Pudding Recipe


Easy caramel custard recipe Caramel Pudding RecipeCaramel custard is a rich and decadent caramel dessert and it has a smooth and creamy texture Caramel custard is different in taste and texture than a regular caramel pudding flan Ingredients Full Recipeউপকরণ এব সম প র ণ র স প এখ ন Ingredients1 2 cup sugar2 tbsp water1 cup heavy cream6 egg yolks medium size2 tbsp sugarPinch of salt1 tsp vanilla essence1 cup milkMusicCreative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 Get Social With us Website www spicebangla com




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