2018年1月2日00:00から予約受付開始! Ray3月号増刊 Queentet from NMB48
Today we re making a Ring out of solid diamonds This ring combines Astro Tech epoxy resin with diamond dust The ring starts by making a mold Patrick uses a lathe to shave a brass rod into a ring shape This is then used with mold making medium to create a mold The resin is then poured into the mold This creates the first shape of our ring The ring is then filled with Diamonds and Astro Tech CA adhesive to finish the shape Then the ring is finished by sanding and finalizing the shape If you love making things you should join our Patrick Adair Makers Facebook group If you want to subscribe on YouTube you can just click here
2018年1月2日00:00から予約受付開始! Ray3月号増刊 Queentet from NMB48
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