Furless Baby Squirrel Grows Up...
This baby squirrel is a little peanut of joy. Watch him grow up from a tiny baby to a beautiful squirrel.
Hi everyone Watch in HD In this tutorial I show you how to make some cute and easy Easter egg chicks using polymer clay If you make your own be sure to upload a photo to Instagram or Crafty Amino with rachyh96 so I can find it and feature it at the end of an upcoming tutorial Thanks for watching Happy Easter Links Instagram rachyh96Crafty Amino rachyh96 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions What camera do you use to film I use a Canon 70D with and 18 135mm lens What program do you edit your videos with 2012 2017 Windows Movie Maker2017 current iMovie What brand of polymer clay do you use what is your favourite I mainly use Sculpey Fimo and Premo just because that is what is available to me I don t really have a particular favourite they all have different things I like about each one What do you use to glaze your charms I ve also used Sculpey Gloss Glaze Triple Thick and polyurethane in the past but UV resin Is definitely my favourite How long have you been doing clay I started polymer clay in 2012 It is just my hobby that I do in my spare time as I also have a full time job Do you sell your charms Yes the link to my shop is in every video description I usually post a shop update video to announce when I am having a large restock and charms will be available Otherwise I recommend following me on Instagram rachyh96 to keep up with any other news What cupcake base mold do you use I just started polymer clay do you have any tips or advice
This baby squirrel is a little peanut of joy. Watch him grow up from a tiny baby to a beautiful squirrel.
오늘은 티티 고양이 자리가 생겼으면 하는 마음에 새로운 캣타워를 만들었어요. 츄츄는 상자에 빠지고.. 루루는 또 사고를 치고... 오늘도 고양이들이 난리가 났어요!
Hello! Today we are making zardosi embroidery. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
in this video I will show you how to create a custom text effect in photoshop. We chose the grime style of art because it is very ...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHTⓒ2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHT ...
Dog Rescued From Small Hole | These people had been looking frantically for their dog — when they heard crying from underground. L...
Bloggerin Julia Lange-Schreiner weiht Sie in das Geheimnis des einfachen Kreuzstiches ein. Hier geht's zur Anleitung mit Vorlagen!
The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #147 - Nail Art Design Tutorial
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