DIY ❤ Серьги с кисточками ❤ Ук...
Мастер-класс по созданию цветочных сережек кисточек своими руками из полимерной глины. Подробный пошаговый видео-урок по лепке и ...
Sometimes it s hard to find quick easy and healthy recipes I like to try and plan ahead and have a few things ready to go in my fridge I eat out less and tend to eat a bit healthier when I plan ahead Here are some recipes I ve been loving to make ahead of time for lunch Quinoa Salad Bowl side or main dish 1 Cup Cooked Quinoa1 Cup Chopped SpinachTablesppon Chopped Green Onion1 2 1 Cup Sliced Cherry Tomatoes 1 2 1 Cup Chopped AvocadoOlive Oil Balsamic Vinegar to taste Salt Pepper to taste Cold Pasta Salad2 Cups Brown Rice Pasta1 Cup Chopped Spinach1 2 1 Cup Sliced Cherry Tomatoes1 Cup Mozzarella 2 Tablespoons Italian DressingSalt Pepper to taste Island Tofu Bowl 2 3 Grilled Pineapple Slices 1 2 Cups Cooked Quinoa1 2 Cups Firm TofuIsland Soyaki Marinade from Trader Joes to taste Steamed Veggies MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO
Мастер-класс по созданию цветочных сережек кисточек своими руками из полимерной глины. Подробный пошаговый видео-урок по лепке и ...
Sewing + DIY Jogger Pants / Sweat Pants
대만 가오슝 루이펑 야시장에 가면 먹을수 있는 대만식 팬케익 taiwan style pancake / taiwanese street food
連不吃素的朋友都說好吃的手工窯烤比薩店 店小小的所以一進門就可以看到一個大大的磚窯 餅皮都是手桿的全麥皮 所以非常好吃 而且有很多特別的口味 有一個口味就很像熱炒直接鋪上比薩的感覺😂 然後認真有辣 我已經是個嗜辣的人了 偶爾想點時還會再三考慮 接著想說 啊~今...
▲影片中使用的產品都在資訊欄▲ Rimmel魅惑電眼持久打底膏款 Rimmel 魅惑電眼 12 色眼影盤 007 赤紅熱潮Crimson / 008 迷幻霓光VioletElectric Violet / 009 華麗圓舞曲Glam StonesJewe...
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How to make an origami Turtle designed by Marc Vigo See more of his works: https://www.fl...
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