青江菜素餃子 這種元寶你會吃幾顆呢?
English subtitles will be uploaded tomorrow 영상의 작품은 작품집에 들어가 있습니다 지난 4년간의 작품들을 보고싶으시거나 좀 더 나은 작업 환경을 위한 후원을 하시려면 텀블벅에서 후원하기를 눌러주세요 페이퍼아트 paperart 송진 songjin
The wait is over and our Soda Pop Palette is finally here! In this all new episode, Nikkie Tutorials goes all out and shows you ho...
Three looks inspired by our favorite witch, Sabrina Spellman. I actually really enjoyed this show (didn't think i would) and i had...
Thank you Dolby for Sponsoring this video! Click here to learn more about the Dolby Dimension Headphones http://bit.ly/2AmWwRE #Bi...
時計の振り子の動きが気になるのかジーと見つめる仔猫らな。 猫部屋 Live配信中!http://www.youtube.com/user/kamaitachiTV チャンネル登録お願いします!http://www.youtube.com/user/kamait...
I CREATED MY OWN NAIL POLISH LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KL POLISH :) :) GET THEM HERE: https://www.klpolish.com
#Kittisaurus Today, I baked a cake to celebrate my family of 10 cats!
Hey Guys! Today's video is a mini drug store try on! I grabbed a few things that caught my eye at the drugstore recently and cou...
#art #artvideo #amazing #watercolor #satisfafying #drawing #calligraphy #lettering #painting #modernworld Most Amazing Art Video #...
❖ JayLee is a specialized watercolor artist. Jay is showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutor...
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