Exploring Irelands Beauty | Accidents, Quick Makeup, Fashion, & Best Friends | Jessica Clements

by Jessica Clements

Exploring Irelands Beauty | Accidents, Quick Makeup, Fashion, & Best Friends | Jessica Clements


Irish Adventures Quick Natural Makeup Tutorial Traveling with my Best Friend NastyGal Fashion Haul Jessica ClementsHi Guys I ve been so surprised to find out how many people from Ireland follow me on Instagram are there any Irish subscribers in the house If you re like me and have Irish roots then let me know in the comments This is my first trip to Ireland and as usual I m traveling with my best friend business partner Max we ll talk about that in a later video This was our first day outside of Dublin where we were lucky enough to treat ourselves to a nice breakfast in bed with a little Rick and Morty time thumbs up if you liked season 3 Can you believe Max and I met almost two years ago and I haven t forced him to watch every episode we re going to have to change that We had a chance to relax on the beach on the west coast of Ireland and I m not going to lie Irish people are some of the sweetest friendliest people ever and the DOGES are SO CUTE We finished the day off with a fancy little afternoon tea where Max did the usual and started breaking things we can t take him anywhere without accidents following us Let me know where else I should go in Ireland if you are from here and if you have visited let me know what I need to see Make sure to give this a thumbs up so I know you liked it and if you haven t subscribed please subscribe I m on vacation so I ll be responding to your comments whenever I get to Wifi Love you guys Jess



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