手帳分享 || 5月抹茶甜品主題子彈筆記設定 / Plan ...
Kunming Yunnan China Kunming is the capital and largest city in Yunnan province China So I was excited to explore the local market in Kunming and eat as much street food as possible Here are all the Chinese street food dishes we ate throughout the market Rice pudding 5 RMB 0 76 This was slightly fermented and sweet like a rice alcohol pudding It was pretty good but quite sweet so I couldn t eat that much of it Dumpling 1 RMB 0 15 I saw these dumplings sizzling and hissing and there was no way I could walk by without trying one Stuffed inside were leek and egg They were a little on the oily side but delicious Whole duck 20 RMB 3 03 Yunnan is famous for roast duck and there s a version that s comparable even to Beijing style Style I was excited to find a stall that at the market that specialize in Yunnanese roast duck It was delicious and the owners were very friendly as well Pickled pears 5 RMB 0 76 This was an interesting snack and supposed to be very healthy and good for digestion Drink 2 RMB 0 30 This drink was incredible sweet but refreshing Tofu Noodles 5 5 RMB 0 83 Another extremely popular Chinese street food snack at the market was tofu noodles I ve had tofu and noodles but not really mixed before It was a little plain and starchy but from all the sauces it was taty Rice balls 5 RMB 0 76 We also tried sesame rice balls which were delicious Jacuzzi braised ½ chicken 15 RMB 2 27 This was one of the highlights of the market for me mainly because the owner was so friendly and his giant jacuzzi of boiling chickens was amazing to see The chicken was a little bony but flavorful Yellow soybean porridge 3 5 RMB 0 53 As we were leaving the market we stopped for one last bowl of soybean porridge to eat with youtiau Chinese donuts I wasn t expecting to like it as much as I did but it was delicious It was very warming and hearty Finally to complete this Chinese street food tour in Kunming Jerry and I along with his family ate Chinese Yunnanese bbq It was tasty and a great way to end this amazing day of street food CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you
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ママがお休みの日。パパは残念ながらお仕事の日。 なるべく短くしたつもりなのですが長くてすみません😅
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コットンフィアさんとコラボキット第二段✨ 今回は巾着型バッグです!
These KISSES cookies are the perfect twist on a toasty cup of hot cocoa.
Original video with music : https://youtu.be/yMjtzaFywyk
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Olá mãos mágicas!!! Hoje vamos fazer um lindo laço para enfeitar seu natal, podemos colocar em árvore em guirlandas, janelas, pres...
洗濯前のひととき。A time before the washing. Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
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