by White Piece



Honestly Fall really started for us in October also we went back to school and had no time to create anything due to our work and school schedule But we managed to figure out our new schedule and we are back Their is no more new ideas just ideas that changed here and their Therefore making an announcement over here none of the decor ideas are new Just our version of the original diy decoration When we think of fall we think of thanksgiving that why we incorporated a few thanksgiving themed ideas The diys were simple and fun to create We hope you enjoy and have a wonderful cold autumn Angelina RuthVisit our Blog farwhitepiece com For business inquires farwhitepiece gmail com Songs Title Born to Become Title Inspiring Moment



Watercolor Paper Texture Expla...

  • by Shayda Campbell 1016

Not sure what type of watercolor paper to buy? In this quick video I’ll explain the three different types of watercolor paper text...