I m sorry I kept this hidden for so long xo s Tati MUSIC BY HAIR BY Rick Henry MAKEUP BY Carlene K PHOTOGRAPHY BY Jamie Nelson VIDEOGRAPHY BY Yves Huy Truong M A K E U P W O R N TATI BEAUTY Textured Neutrals Palette Vol 1On Sale October 25th 10am PST F O L L O W H E R E FTC DISCLAIMER This video is Not Sponsored and there are no affiliate links All Rights Reserved 2019 Tati Westbrook Hi I m Tati from GlamLifeGuru thank you for watching my video please be sure to check out my collection of makeup videos where you ll find my best beauty tips tricks and favorites on everything from top luxury cosmetics to my favorite drugstore makeup Whether you re looking for a new product review tutorial beauty tip haul or perhaps even a giveaway I hope you enjoy watching
Hi my Darlings! I recently traveled to Paris, and had an overwhelming amount of requests on my instagram(@jessicaclements) to film...
Hand embroidery/Ribbon embroidery flowers/Neckline embroidery design. facebook-https://www.facebook.com/Leishas-Galaxy-1753547961...
SWR Theatermalerin Maxi Holder gibt Tipps zu den Basics der Aquarell-Malerei.
집사가 나가려고만 하면 애교피우는 소울이
楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 今回は料理研究家の森崎友紀さんを迎えてダイエット中や夜食で食べても罪悪感のない料理を教えて頂きました!目から鱗の簡単でヘルシーなレシピなので是非作ってもらいたい。本当に簡単だから、早速私のレパートリー...
Obese Dachshund Loses 50 Pounds | This dachshund weighed 77 pounds when he was rescued — look at him now!
HEY EVERYONE! Welcome back to my channel! How are ya?? Today we are sitting down and talking about the Cremated palette and the co...
こんにちはLes sens cielです。今回は旬のフランボワーズがたくさん手に入ったので、フランボワーズをたっぷり使った本格的なケーキを作ってみました。フランボワーズの程よい酸味と、爽やかなヨーグルトムースの2層になっているので暑い夏でもぺろっと食べれます。...
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