Fenty Beauty and Pat McGrath Labs Favourites | Black-Owned Brands | AD

by Matilda

Fenty Beauty and Pat McGrath Labs Favourites | Black-Owned Brands | AD


Subscribe for new videos every week Much more beauty and travel content to come Matilda xFENTY BEAUTYPAT McGRATH LABSMENTIONEDWHAT I M WEARINGCODESIMAGE SOURCESDISCLAIMERThis video is sponsored by Squarespace The Fenty Cheeks Out Blush and Hot Chocolit Gloss Bomb were received as press samples Links marked with are affiliate links which means I receive a small percentage of commission on items purchased through the link at no extra cost to you Commission plays no part in my decision to feature a product and press samples are only accepted for consideration with no obligation to feature



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web: http://cesarcordova.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cesar_cordova_/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cesarcordova...

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Leaving & Starting Anew //

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Hope you guys are as excited for this new adventure as I am! Let me know if you have any video requests. Happy Holidays!