Food in Ethiopia - This Dish Left Me in AWE!

by Mark Wiens

Food in Ethiopia - This Dish Left Me in AWE!


Special thank you to Sam Yemane and Michael Today was a little bit of a random day in Addis Ababa Ethiopia searching for delicious Ethiopian food I first met up with Sam and he took me a little outside of town an area known for their meat We asked some locals around and found a local meat restaurant that everyone agreed was the best in the city Dulet Dulet is an Ethiopian food of minced up raw organs sauteed in Ethiopian spiced butter It s incredibly delicious The the man sitting next to me ordered shekla tibs a pan of sliced meat fried and served in a charcoal clay pan It was very chewy but tasty Total price 230 ETB 8 31 including drinksTej Tej is traditional Ethiopian honey wine and after asking some people told us there was a local Ethiopian bar just down the road It was quite an Ethiopian cultural experience Price 9 ETB 0 33 per cupEl Shaday Restaurant Finally we returned to Addis Ababa in the center of the city and searched out an Ethiopian food that I had desperately wanted to eat called Tihlo It s a dish from Tigray very rare to find in Addis Ababa and even the friends I was eating with who are all Ethiopian had never heard of it or tried it So it was a first for all of us Turned out to be incredibly delicious and now one of my favorite new Ethiopian dishes Price 80 ETB 2 89 Thank you for watching this unique Ethiopian food tour in Addis Ababa Ethiopia CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video these are affiliate links I would love to connect with you



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