こんにちは!元美容部員でshabon編集長のちばです(*^^*)✨ 正直、最初はそこまで期待していなかったこのコレクション (ごめんなさい) つけてみたらあまりのかわいさに唸りました・・。
Chinese Street Food Tour in Rural Xinjiang the BEST Street food in China We took a train from Turpan all the way to Kuqa to try the BEST and most unique street food in China When you arrive you instantly know you are in a new street food world and that you can taste some of the best street food around the world in 2017 I ve been searching for the best street food in China for a long time and have to say that when it comes to Chinese street food some is good some is bad but in Xinjiang most of the stuff we tried was fantastic The meat and the sloppy dumplings were out of this world You ll fall in love watching the delicious street food in this street food video because we came specifically to try the best street food in China as we make our way west along the Silk Road to the farthest part of western China Coming here is a whole new world of Chinese cuisine Eating Chinese food in Xinjiang is definitely one of the best street food experiences I ve had We made our way to Kuqa from Chengdu We first took the train to Xining and enjoyed the Hui Chinese muslim Chinese street food and then took the train to Turpan and onwards to Kuqa our final destination being Kashgar The dishes we have been eating so far really reminds me of central asian street food From the super flavor packed hand pulled noodles to the roast deep tandoori baozi it s a great destination for food So far I ve eaten street food in Chengdu street food in Hong Kong street food in Guangzhou Street food in Shanghai and street food all around Asia but something as simple as the street food here in Xinjiang Kuqa really impressed me All the street food we tried in particular the hand pulled noodles which tasted like spaghetti was fantastic Even the bbq kebabs were amazing as well The locals here speak Uighur and a little Chinese so I got by communicating with them in Chinese but would be better if I picked up some Uighur Overall our experience eating in Kuqa Xinjiang was amazing Here are the locations in this street food video 1 Roast Tandoori Nang Bread 2 Sunday Market Featuring Hand pulled noodles pumpkin baozi and roast tandoori baozi 3 Huge meat nirvana feast ABOUT THE FOOD RANGER My name is Trevor James and I m a hungry traveler and Mandarin learner that s currently living in Chengdu Szechuan China eating up as much delicious Chinese food as I can I enjoy tasting and documenting as many dishes as I can and I m going to make videos for YOU along the way Over the next few years I m going to travel around the world and document as much food as I can for you I love delicious food This channel will show you real Chinese food and real local food not that stuff they serve in the Buzzfeed challenge Thanks for watching and please feel free to leave a comment suggestion or critique in the comments below Please make sure to subscribe it s the best way to keep my videos in your feed and give me a thumbs up too if you liked this food video thanks I appreciate it You could also share the video too if you liked it that would be awesome chinese food ancient silk road chinese street food taste test gordon ramsay anthony bourdain best top cooking cuisine kitchen 2016 recipes islam halal Chinese muslim Chinese cuisine street food
こんにちは!元美容部員でshabon編集長のちばです(*^^*)✨ 正直、最初はそこまで期待していなかったこのコレクション (ごめんなさい) つけてみたらあまりのかわいさに唸りました・・。
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