Sephora Haul and Lots More! Ch...
My Mum has wanted me to do a full face of glam on her for a while this isn t my mum s usual look but we both thought it d be fun I hope you like it xxxMUM S MAKEUPP LOUISE Base 01 10ABH Sultry Palette 46 45NO7 Hydraluminous Foundation Calico 15MAC Prep Prime Bright Forecast 21 27IT COSMETICS Bye Bye Under Eye Medium 25 26LOREAL Bronzer Back To Bronze 8 99THE BODY SHOP Blush 06 8 16BOURJOIS Khol Contour Eye Pencil Black 4 99NYX Microbrow Pencil Ash Brown 9 9IT COSMETICS Superhero Mascara Black 20 24LOREAL Infallible Lipstick Bare To Blush 9 99MII COSMETICS Click Colour Lip Crayon Rose 11BEAUTY PIE High Shine Lipstick Naked Pink 5 50 6GEM S MAKEUPTOO FACED Pretty Rich Eyeshadow PaletteDIOR Forever Skin Glow Foundation 1 5N REVOLUTION Conceal Hydrate 1 NYX Epic Ink EyelinerNYX On The Rise MascaraNYX Microbrow Pencil Ash Brown NYX Brow SetterREVOLUTION Pout Bomb Lip Gloss Kiss NAIL POLISH JAN REVOLUTION High Shine Polish Dusk GEM REVOLUTION High Shine Polish Bare JEWELLERY I m not sure you ll have noticed my beautiful bracelet that was sent to me by a company called Ana Luisa I NEVER take it off It s sterling silver with a cross dangling from the chain I LOVE IT Why not check out the rest of their collectionCONTACT LENSESI sometimes wear contact lenses in my videos My eyes are naturally browny orange but I like to switch things up with green blue grey contacts Recently I was sent some coloured contacts from a company called TTDEYE who deal with both cosmetic and prescription lenses I LOVE THEM THIS IS NOT AN AFFILIATE LINK this is just for you xxxFURTHER INFORMATIONMy skin type is combi dry most of the month but when hormonal my skin gets very oily around my t zone It s very unpredictable thanks skin and I suffer from breakouts mostly hormonal breakouts thanks again hormones MY CURRENT FOUNDATION SHADE MATCHESMAC NW13YSL BD25CHANEL B10DIOR 0NTOO FACED Swan AlmondHOURGLASS ShellNARS GobiURBAN DECAY 30CGESTEE LAUDER 2N1LAURA MERCIER 2N1 5BARE MINERALS Barely Light Birch 1 5FENTY BEAUTY 120 150SHISEIDO 160 ShellCHARLOTTE TILBURY 3NNO7 CalicoCYO 102 103 mixedREVOLUTION PRO F1 F5 7ELF Fair LightPHYSICIANS FORMULA LN3MAYBELLINE True IvoryLOREAL 20 IvoryREVLON 200 NudeOTHER VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO WATCHHow to apply Foundation FlawlesslyRevitalash ReviewBest Tinted MoisturisersBest SPF For Under MakeupMum s Over 65 Daily Skincare RoutineThe Best 6 Anti Aging IngredientsHow To Stop Concealer Creasing
ちなみにテトの手術は今月末に予約しています。 ベルについては動画中にもありますが、出産のから3ヶ月あける必要があるので6月に予定しています。 Instagram→ Twitter→http://tw...
In this video we will learn one of the Brazilian embroidery floral design. We used bullion knot stitch, French knot stitch, stem s...
Thirty two weeks ago I launched Homestead Brooklyn’s Plant One On Me, an informal question-and-answer series on all your green hom...
オデコの鳴き声がかわいいです^^ 特に甘えて時のオデコは格別です♬
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
Quick and easy drink doodles! What's your favourite beverage? I looove Boba/Milk Tea and Coffee. :D Hope you like the video. Thank...
#BikinRelax #EsChocolatos
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