Giant Rabbit Coming When Called (and Jumping on Humans lap) 呼ぶと来るフレミッシュジャイアントうさぎ

by Jabba The Rabbit

Giant Rabbit Coming When Called (and Jumping on Humans lap) 呼ぶと来るフレミッシュジャイアントうさぎ


This video shows Jabba my flemish giant rabbit continental giant rabbit comes to me when I call her I trained my bunny to come when she is called with using food So she often expects me to give her food when I call her name Later in this video Jabba the rabbit jumps on my lap for the first time I was pleased the first time but she started to scare me with her heavy body on me And in the last part of the video I tease my rabbit with a giant banana doll which is my favorite doll haha to revenge her To our new visitors Jabba the Rabbit is the flemish giant rabbit or continental giant rabbit lives in Japan Luna is her human and she talks to Jabba in Japanese as Jabba is more familiar with the language But our channel is mainly in English because we want to share our stories with as many people as possible Music flemishgiantrabbit continentalgiant giantrabbit giantbunny bunnies rabbits petbunny petrabbit petyoutuber flemishgiant




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