お菓子作り動画426 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake...
お菓子作り動画#426 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake&Food 観るだけで楽しい気持ちになる動画#426 お菓子の技が凄い!! The Most Satisfying Cake & Food Video Compilation #426 Music:...
Jason Christian is known for his meticulously crafted glass vessels and sculptures In this video he and Jay Thrash are making a vase using the reticello technique in which a bubble made from cane twisted in one direction is placed into a bubble twisted in the opposite direction The crisscrossing cane creates a net pattern and in between each square of netting a small bubble of air is trapped It takes a tremendous amount of skill to create even and symmetrical bubbles but Jason and Jay make it look easy Watch for more videos from Jason in the coming months and please subscribe to my channel if you want to see more videos like this Thanks for watching
お菓子作り動画#426 楽しいハッピーな気持ちになる Cake&Food 観るだけで楽しい気持ちになる動画#426 お菓子の技が凄い!! The Most Satisfying Cake & Food Video Compilation #426 Music:...
健康早餐想法和健康早餐食譜容易和美味!這些簡單的早餐理念是偉大的早餐食譜的想法和健康的食譜和健康的烹飪,健康的飯菜和健康的烹飪!健康早餐理念:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list = PLT4ua--Fq7Ufc6lYES...
Видеоурок https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzlb0H37TYM
裏なしなので、手軽に作れます。 カットクロスの大きさでも大丈夫。 ストラップをつけてお子様のおつかいにも(*^-^)
🍭ロリポップ, ペロペロキャンディー
*hey you ,in case i didnt make it clear, both notebooks are amazing and i believe they are the best out there,so if you get eithe...
How to draw a heart with Ugly Duckling gel polish.
ちょっと食材を大きく切りすぎました。 もっと細かく刻むと良かったと思います。
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