Glitter Swatch & Storage Box Idea!

by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich

Glitter Swatch & Storage Box Idea!


Glitter Swatch Storage Box Idea This new Arteza ultra fine glitter is so pretty and the packaging is very handy but I can t see what colors I had if I kept the glitter as in on the package so I swatched the glitter on the top of each vile to index it See how in today s video I ll also sho you how I store my other glitter and embossing powder so I can see what I have at a glanceGlitter Swatch Storage Box Idea thefrugalcrafter glitter storageMy goal is to provide you with inspiration Subscribe for frequent watercolor painting and crafting tutorials Want more inspiration here are some classes Check out my New Watercolor Classes Credits Video production and Craft ideas Lindsay WeirichMusic Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0For Sponsorships or Product Reviews email Lindsay at artstudiosofbangor yahoo comFollow along and have fun This post may contain affiliate links




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