Gorgeous Color-Shifting Peacock Shawl! - How to Begin this Knit

by ExpressionFiberArts

Gorgeous Color-Shifting Peacock Shawl! - How to Begin this Knit


It s time for our first pattern of the year Yeee Peacock Shawl by Emily Walton A shimmering draping design perfect for advanced beginners and beyond Simple slipped stitches make up the body and the border is just some easy ribbing So simple and SOOO gorgeous OH MY GOSH Is it not incredible DO tell what you think of it and be sure to post if you make your own version We used our soft and glowing Proud Peacock Hues Pearlescent Fingering yarn kit but choose any fingering weight yarn you love All fingering How to knit a garter tab cast on We hope you enjoy xoxoIf you re on IG be sure to post if you make this so we can see efapeacockshawl expressionfiberartsI appreciate you reading and if you d love to get brand new premium knit and crochet patterns for free weekly just hop onto our email list there on the site We list new patterns most Fridays and they are usually free for a limited time Yes indeedy Chandi Be like a peacock and dance with all of your beauty Debasish Mridha howtoknit knitting diy knitshawl




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