My (Basic) Watercolor Process (STEP BY STEP)

by Emily Artful

My (Basic) Watercolor Process (STEP BY STEP)


Materials Used General s Kneaded Eraser2B PencilOld Holland WatercolorsMoleskine Watercolor SketchbookPrinceton BLICK and Black Velvet Watercolor BrushesFinetec Pearlescent Watercolors Gold These were actually not used in this video though I HIGHLY recommend them The only reason I didn t use them was because they didn t have the exact shade I wanted to use Paul Reuben s Glitter Watercolors Another one I HIGHLY recommend Zebra Brush Pen Soft Micron Pens Winsor and Newton Gouache White Dr PH Martin s Bleed Proof WhiteMusic All the music featured in this video was downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library Some of the sound effects featured are modified to fit the animation



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