Hyper Realistic Dolls Compilation - The Most Creepy Realistic Dolls Ever

by Just Wow me

Hyper Realistic Dolls Compilation - The Most Creepy Realistic Dolls Ever


A talented Artist Creates Realistic Dolls That Can Be Confused With Real People These Dolls Are Insanely Creepy but Hyper Realistic made by Ruben Orozco Loza SCULPTORcreator of realistic depictions of human beings through sculpture who uses silicone wood resin marble and even real hair for his works His hyper realism art earned the 2006 State Prize for Youth and an honorable mention for the Juan Soriano Education Sculpure Award in 2015 Before FameHe attended the University of Guadalajara to study visual arts with an orientation in sculpture i hope you enjoyed this stunning compilation of hyper realistic dollsVideos of him creating his realistic sculptures are found on his rubenorozcoloza Instagram you can check and follow him in the link belowTrack Info Title Side You Vlog MusicArtist David Cutter MusicCreative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 _______________Title Delusion Feat Gina LiviaArtist FortyThr33 X EpshteynCreative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0 Escultura Hiperrealista escala Ruben Orozco Loza Escultor MexicanoArtist Makes Hyperrealistic Sculptures Of CelebritiesThe Most Realistic Dolls Ever Creepily super Realistic Dolls Compilation



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