HALI KAYDIRMAZ İLE YAPABİLECEĞİNİZ ŞIK BİR FİKİR MAKING EASY ANTI SLIP RUG WITH RUG PAD ROPEMerhabalar Sizlerle halı kaydırmaz ve ip ile yapabileceğiniz çok şık banyo paspas yapımını paylaştım Örgüsüz ve çok kolay bir şekilde sizde evde kendiniz yapabilirsiniz Umarım sizler de bu fikri beğenirsiniz MALZEMELER Halı kaydırmaz Alize pufy ip TığHi everyone Welcome to my channel I want to show you how to make a rug with anti slip rug pads and rope You can do it easily without knitting I hope you like this video paspasyapımı örgüsüz makingrug
DIY最近超夯的「柴犬奶茶」 療癒感100%,柴犬是棉花糖做的,它泡在奶茶里对着你温暖一笑,可爱度爆表!如果它也融化了你的心,记得转发给和你一样的小吃货一起融化吧? 雨田先生冲饮吧(台北的同学可以购买哦):https://www.facebook.com/Mr...
In this video I show you how to create your own, pretty, gilded skeleton leaves! It's super simple, and you can make them with jus...
Three cats are all lovely in the island, they are meowing so cute for food and love
I randomly talk & show you what's in my new vintage inspired bag. A video that every fashion & lifestyle Youtuber should do at lea...
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and settle in for my husband's October plan with me! The theme is a black cat and art deco fusion bas...
文具控喊又!! 大家喜歡在哪裏買文具來分享一下吧~ ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------------------------------------------- Blog: http://hellocatie.pixnet.net...
Merry Cat-mas! Your kitties are going to love this tree by Lora Michael Makes Things🎄
Друзья всех рад приветствовать!!!!) Быстрая незапланированная прогулка получилась, любуйтесь)
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