HEY EVERYONE We all know by now I m a glitter obsessed queen so when I saw the Ciaté London GLITTER FLIP liquid lipsticks I WAS GAGGING This is a new formula on the market that really hasn t been done before I love brands who create something fresh and fun Allegedly these apply like a normal liquid lip but when it dries and you press your lips together BAMMMMMM the glitter is activated and comes thru DO THEY WORK OR ARE THEY A GIMMICK Laura Lee voice Watch and find out JeffreeStarApprovedOrNah SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarDRESS BY BalmainFOUNDATION YSL Beauty All HoursCONTOUR KKW Beauty Powder KitHIGHLIGHT Jeffree Star Cosmetics Platinum Ice Skin Frost Pro Palette launching end of September EYES Natasha Denona LILA paletteWATCH MORE VIDEOS courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds
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Azerbaijan Culture Festival in Minsk, Belarus
Dad was broken hearted until tiny rescue puppies came into his life
仲良く豆大福とオデコを抱きしめて寝かしつける秀吉がかわいいです^^ 翌日、秀吉が目にした光景は・・・
Top 10 funny cat videos of funny cats if you also like funny cat fails, funny cat vines, you might enjoy this too. Warning: You ma...
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いつ販売だったのかわからないのですが、大型店に行ったときに新製品のモールドを見つけました^^ 何有りのモールドもあったので、作品は1つのみです!
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Drawing of 'Jewel Star', from the online game 'LaTale'. - Caran d'Ache Luminance 6901, Prismacolor - Strathmore Bristol 300s
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