Halloween Drawing 1 // WATERCOLOR + COLOR PENCILS

by Lioba Brückner

Halloween Drawing 1 // WATERCOLOR + COLOR PENCILS


Hi my dears This is part 1 of 5 or 6 drawings I did for my patrons They are all Halloween themed because I am already in the mood XD PATREONFor IN DEPTH painting tutorials merchandise original art and more join me on Patreon SHOPFor fine art prints originals and other cool stuff visit my shop my boyfriend s channel MATERIALS If you want to support my art you can purchase through the Amazon links listed below I get a tiny percentage of the sale tbut you don t have to pay anything extra and every little bit helps for SKIN TONES Polychromos Acrylic ink for FLOWERS and HAIR my CAMERA Connect with me on Music by Amarante Music




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