Cómo Crear la Flor de Papel Yu...
Instrucciones solo 3 Moldes de el Molde de la Flor Yuliana no usan el más grande ni el más pequeño los otros tres 7 Pétalos de el...
In this hydrangea flower embroidery for the outline of the leaves i have taken 6 strands of the thread and for filling i took 3 strands and for filling the leaves i have used roumanian stitch kashmiri tanka or closed cretan stitch For flowers i have used french knots and then one more time loosely made french knots on top of the earlier made french knots for little flowers effect and for this i have used 6 strands of the thread mostly I hope you will like the embroidery By Shasha Creative WorldPlease like and subscribe to my channel Thanks
Instrucciones solo 3 Moldes de el Molde de la Flor Yuliana no usan el más grande ni el más pequeño los otros tres 7 Pétalos de el...
Laura Sanchez さんの動画では 日本人風メイクをしたよ! https://youtu.be/9Uo_eL6vSxM 皆さんも是非待てね! 彼女のVIDEOは素晴らしくて憧れちゃうほど! https://www.youtube.com/user/La...
かぎ針編みで 小さなトトロの帽子を編みました♪
#猫 #子猫 #ぽてと #cat #kitten 大きくなってきた子猫のぽてとに新しいトイレをプレゼント。 困惑するぽてとだが果たして気に入ってくれるのか? 可愛い子猫の成長記録動画。
Natalya Nightshade customizes glitter heels for exotic dancers to help them stand out amongst the crowd.
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柚子:「新奴才會做得好嗎?」 × 頻道更新時間為週五晚間六點,其餘時段不定時發舊片!× 訂閱我們吧:https://goo.gl/5L8xkV
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