TRY NOT TO LAUGH-Funny Animals...
TRY NOT TO LAUGH-Funny Animals Fails Compilation 2016 Please check out this awesome T-shirt to donate for our channel: https://goo...
Hi folks in this weeks video I show how I sewed up my summer shirt dress I absolutely love how this has turned out I love the simple shape and the plain details the collar the cuffs the length the fit Its super comfy and can be dressed up or down love love love this one I hope that those of you interested in making something similar enjoy and find the video useful Susanne Post filming I added a couple of hand stitches to hold the cuffs in place and a button at the waist on the inside See a second version of this one with a concealed placket over on Instagram Suggested videos The making of my summer wrap dress My making of Dresses Skirts playlistThe making of my 1940s STYLE Tea Dress with Neck Cutout DetailMy Small Sewing Space TourOther videos you may be interested in My making of Tops playlistMy making of Jackets playlistMy patterning playlistMy Top 6 Block Slopers of 2018My Top 5 Sewing Resources to improve Dressmaking Skills and a little bit of my sewing storySee my Technique Tuesday videos where I show basic quick sewing techniques used in my Making Of videos My monthly makes playlistPattern self draftedButtons standard shirt buttons Hemline BrandStitch length used normal 2 5mm longer 3 4mm Needle used size 70 sharps needle My Sewing machine Brother F420My Overlocker Brother 1043dPattern weights I usually use Marking Pen I usually use Prym Trickmarker EFPaper I usually use for patterning standard parcel paper
TRY NOT TO LAUGH-Funny Animals Fails Compilation 2016 Please check out this awesome T-shirt to donate for our channel: https://goo...
Here is the number of hacks you may need to use on any given day. These hacks will make your life so much easier!
★LINEスタンプ(stickers)購入は… ★2019年 壁掛けカレンダーOthello&Cheese Jr が発売されました!2019 Othello&Cheese Jr Wall Cal...
介紹Super可口的可樂餅! 外面酥脆,裡面熱呼呼 不只馬鈴薯,還有加入幾種材料 作成口感&風味很豐富! 可樂餅不只當點心, 也可以serve as 豪華&滿足感的料理喔~!(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و MASAのYoutube頻道:🍅http://www.youtub...
Husky Choose Best Friend Over FOOD! He's SHOCKED To See Him! I wanted to see if Key would be more interested in food than seeing h...
【修正】 ビデオの中でニッキーはアメリカの方と申し上げましたが、オランダ出身の方です。 ごめんなさい!
モデルになったワンコはノエさんモナちゃんと のポテちゃんとひだりちゃんです! ありがとうございます! ベーコン家のポテとひだり
Lemme Kno teaches you how to make a delicious Breakfast Poutine! Follow along with this video to learn how to make this breakfast ...
K-ビューティーソンセンニムのAちゃんです! この度私、ビューティー雑誌のVOCEさんの、 Vocest!のレジェンドメンバーとして活動することになりました! 2020年のコスメを使って、10年前のVOCE表紙の浜崎あゆみさんのメイクを 真似してみました! こ...
The dogs are shedding and we are heading to a hotel for our little vacation! So it's time to blow out their coats!
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