Holo Taco Rainbow collection review

by Guylene 325

Holo Taco Rainbow collection review


To enter to win the Braves diva white and black polish and stamping plates just comment if you are US or International and say Enter Me in the comment box Must be subscribed I will be running a random comment picker at the end of the month and posting a winner video the first week of July Keep watching for more giveaways in EVERY video in the month of June Be sure to enter them all Please use my discount codes from Born Pretty and Maniology so I can continue to purchase items to give away every monthHolo TacoBraves Diva Polish Use Guylene325 for 10 off at Maniology Use this one to get 5 off your first sub box or first purchaseMadam Glam use Guylene30 for 30 off be sure and follow my link then see if they are running any 40 or 50 discounts before using mine I want you to save the most you can But please use my link VIP is 30 a month that you us to buy anything on Madam glam sight for 50 off Sparkle Co use GUYLENE15 for discount and Guylene325 for referralGroove Life ring code Born Prettyuse code Guy325 for 20 off 10 on any Beautybig bang use codeGL325 note codes with are Affiliate codes I earn commission on thank you Braves Diva Polish Bleacher Creatures FB groupFiberglass repair strips used in this videouv led lampMy watermarbling hat pinsEbasket foil wrapsE drillDrill bits I useVideos you might like For beginners Stamping decals and WatermarbleNail repair videoApplying tipsEmail meGuylene325 hotmail comFollow me on instagram for bonus content and fun stuff tiktok PrincessPenny17Music by Bensounds




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