7 Reasons Why You Should Try Gouache!

by makoccino

7 Reasons Why You Should Try Gouache!


Hey guys In today s video I wanted to show you different ways how you can paint with gouache I chose the sunset theme because I loove painting sunsets especially with gouache In this video I ll show you how you can paint with gouache in a bold and vector like way and how you can even use it to paint similar to oil and watercolors I really hope you enjoy this video and I find it helpful NEW VIDEO EVERY SATURDAY Gouache Painting Tutorials How to Paint Sunsets Clouds with Gouache for Beginners Full list of all the supplies I used Winsor Newton Designers Gouache Synthetic Brushes by da Vinci Clairefontaine Etival Watercolor Paper Film Editing Gear Editing Software Sony Vegas Pro 13___If you have any questions feel free to comment down below Thank you so much for watching guys have a wonderful day and I will see you soon mako Let s stay in touch Other links MUSIC Disclaimer not sponsored Links marked with are affiliate links This means I get a very small commission that may benefit me financially if you buy one of the products mentioned here



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