Honks!! Treats!!! and Dexter getting Ambushed (Oh My!!)

by hobbikats

Honks!! Treats!!! and Dexter getting Ambushed (Oh My!!)


The boys are at at it again This time some meowing from Stache honking from Teddy and Dexter being the ultimate ninja black cat testing his brother s ability to muscle him out of his favorite hiding spot on the sofa The cat treats featured are INABA Churu Lickable Purée Natural Cat Treats and can be found here



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子猫のナイトルーティン!Kitten Night Rotin...

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元気いっぱいの子猫リタ(#^^#) そんなリタの毎日の夜です☆彡 ご飯を食べて、夜になるとリタの行動はいつもこんな感じで過ごしています(#^^#) そして、元気に朝を迎えます! おやすみなさいにゃ~(=^・^=)