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Insider s Claudia Romeo traveled to Seine et Marne France to visit Ferme des 30 Arpents The farm is one of seven farms making raw milk Brie de Meaux cheese and the only one that makes it fermier which means that the cheese is made by hand solely with milk produced by the 250 cows at the farm Every day Ferme des 30 Arpents will make about 300 wheels of Brie de Meaux from its herd s milk Editor s note This footage was filmed on February 14 2020 At present Ferme des 30 Arpents has implemented preventive measures to ensure everyone s safety and has adopted the health regulations in force for its production of farmhouse cheeses MORE REGIONAL EATS How Traditional French Butter Is Made In BrittanyHow Dutch Gouda Is Made At A 100 Year Old Family FarmWhy This Portuguese Sardine Cannery Swears By Its 100 Year Old Method Cheese France FoodInsiderInsider is great journalism about what passionate people actually want to know That s everything from news to food celebrity to science politics to sports and all the rest It s smart It s fearless It s fun We push the boundaries of digital storytelling Our mission is to inform and inspire How Brie De Meaux Cheese Is Made In France Regional Eats
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Этот постный пирог даже вкуснее тех, что готовят с молочными продуктами! Готовится он проще простого, а вкус всегда радует. И это ...
Finally a new video! Hope you enjoy. :) “别惹我” means "Don't mess with me" in Chinese.
外面開始稍微涼一點時候 要吃溫暖的煮物! 介紹居酒屋Style的濃口豬肉角煮 非常下飯做成丼飯也很適合喔~! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Suzie tries a new technique creating an Acrylic Inlay with Shell Flakes, Chrome Flakes and Caviar Beads. This detailed step by ste...
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