How to Create: Kaleidoscope Dimensional Nail Design

by YoungNailsInc

How to Create:  Kaleidoscope Dimensional Nail Design


Today YN senior mentor Melissa DeLaCruz mjay_delacruz teaches you how to create one of her most highly requested dimensional designs Watch how she layers glitter confetti mylar and foil into gel to create multifaceted depth in the nail Products Used E File Bits Safety Bit Coarse Zebra 150 Sanding Bands Medium Diamond Cuticle Square Bit MediumSynergy Gel Clear Sculptor Base Concealer Peach Build Build PinkMission Control Fizz Over DriveGlitter Starsand Ice Diamond DustMylar Blueberry Icy Raspberry IcyConfetti En Love MoodyGold Foil Young Nails manufactures the highest quality professional nail care products acrylic hard gel gel polish nail art nail polish nail accessories nail files etc in the world To learn the nail application in all of the forms acrylic gel nail art etc watch our videos for extreme education We offer nail education out of our Anaheim CA facility Contact us for details info youngnails com_For more instruction on all applications Acrylic Gel Nail Art etc please go to our Youtube Nail School playlist Find all Nail School Videos Here _Follow us online here Instagram youngnailsincFacebook youngnailsincSnapchat youngnailsinc_ How do two brothers get into the nail care business This is the single most common question people ask us There s a long and rocky version but we ll give you the short one We have our fearless and unconventional mother Young Salo to thank With a single minded entrepreneurial spirit she decided to start her own business at the age of 49 She had a passion for the nail industry and we did everything in our power to support her In the end this is a family business Greg the older brother became a licensed nail technician after switching gears from fire fighter s training He is energy personified and has a true passion for developing the best professional nail care products and education Habib is the younger brother He jumped in a few years later taking a detour from medical school and a life in music He brings his own creative mind for business marketing and strategy Unexpectedly we are a perfect team Today more than 20 years later Young Nails Inc is a professional nail care manufacturing company exporting to over 40 countries worldwide and distributing domestically to over 3000 stores We re respected for our next level product innovation and education Our mission is to bring you the best quality products and we ll show you how to use them with incredible results It s really that simple Welcome to the Young Nails family howto nailtutorial dimensionalnails kaleidoscope




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