利用一款料理變化出 六個美味便當!!一週便當一次完成!How...
利用一款料理變化出 六個美味便當!!一週便當一次完成! 有字幕記得打開喔! 新增 中文簡體字幕/ 英文字幕 How to prepare three different lunchboxes for a week. [Eng Sub]
Do you love science and science experiments Check out this cool and interesting compilation of how to grow crystals at home Oleg Grigoryev is a YouTube blogger who loves chemistry and likes to do it in his free time When he was a child like other kids he loved to mix different liquids and powders It was cool when it changed color hissed and boiled Now as an adult he does it more professionally He s got a degree in chemistry and works in a pharmaceutical company Of course there he can t do what he wants That s why he began to experiment at home for his soul He shares his knowledge with others by showing them beautiful crystals and experiments Watch this amazing compilation showing crystals being grown and you ll see that chemistry can be so cool Don t forget to leave a like and subscribe to Now I ve Seen Everything for more science experiment videos Via Our Social Media
利用一款料理變化出 六個美味便當!!一週便當一次完成! 有字幕記得打開喔! 新增 中文簡體字幕/ 英文字幕 How to prepare three different lunchboxes for a week. [Eng Sub]
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