How to Make a Metal Stamped Cuff Bracelet with ImpressArt Tools

by Beadaholique

How to Make a Metal Stamped Cuff Bracelet with ImpressArt Tools


Designer Julie BeanYou can find the supplies in this video at Beadaholique com ImpressArt Bracelet Bending Bar Kit Includes Bar and 7 5 8 Blank Strips Bends Strips up to 1 1 2 Inch WideSKU XTL 8261ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker Darken Stamped Impressions 1 1 OZ SilverSKU XTL 7204ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker Darken Stamped Impressions 1 1 OZ GreenSKU XTL 7203ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker Darken Stamped Impressions 1 1 OZ GoldSKU XTL 7202ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker Darken Stamped Impressions 1 1 OZ BrownSKU XTL 7201ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker Darken Stamped Impressions 1 1 OZ BlackSKU XTL 7200ImpressArt Antique Stamp Enamel Marker 4 Pack Includes Gold Silver Green BrownSKU P101 MAR 4PCImpressArt Metal Punch Stamp Kit Assorted Hearts 1 5 2 3mm Sizes 3 Pieces SteelSKU XTL 8244ImpressArt Soft Strike Stamping Bracelet Blank Strips 3 8 x 6 Inches 10 Pieces AluminumSKU XTL 8200ImpressArt Soft Strike Stamping Bracelet Blank Strips 1 1 2 x 6 Inches 4 Pieces AluminumSKU XTL 8203ImpressArt Soft Strike Stamping Bracelet Blank Strips 5 8 x 6 Inches 7 Pieces AluminumSKU XTL 8201ImpressArt Soft Strike Stamping Bracelet Blank Strips 1 x 6 Inches 5 Pieces AluminumSKU XTL 8202ImpressArt Steel Stamping Block Small Size with Rubber Feet 2x2 1 Piece SteelSKU XTL 6236ImpressArt Bracelet Guides Booklet for Spacing Stamped Designs in a Line 36 StickersSKU XTL 8259ImpressArt Brass Hammer For Metal Stamping 1 Pound 1 PieceSKU XTL 0277ImpressArt Metal Stamping Kit Lowercase Stamps Newsprint Font 4mm 1 SetSKU XTL 0987



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