How To Make Homemade Ponzu Sauce (Recipe) ポン酢の作り方 (レシピ)

by Just One Cookbook

How To Make Homemade Ponzu Sauce (Recipe) ポン酢の作り方 (レシピ)


Japanese Condiment Ponzu Sauce Enjoy making this all purpose Japanese citrus sauce at home Prep Time 5 minsCook Time 0 minsTotal Time 1 2 daysServes 1 cup Ingredients ½ cup soy sauce½ cup citrus juice See Notes I love the mixture of 6 Tbsp lemon juice 2 Tbsp orange juice lemon zest from one lemon2 Tbsp mirin or 2 Tbsp sake or water 2 tsp sugar ½ cup katsuobushi dried bonito flakes 6 g 8 Tbsp packed 1 piece kombu dried kelp 6 g or 2 x 3 strip NOTES Citrus Juice You can use lemon or mixture of juice from lemon orange or grapefruit FOLLOW JUST ONE COOKBOOK COOKING EQUIPMENT MUSIC Music courtesy of Audio Network VIDEO EQUIPMENT SOFTWARE Adobe Premiere



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