How to Mix Nunn Design Resin and Castin Craft Pigment to Use on Flat Tags
Designer Becky NunnYou can find the supplies in this video at Beadaholique com Nunn Design 2 Part Epoxy Resin Kit Jewelers Grade Clear 8 Oz KitSKU TRC 14Nunn Design Flat Tag Pendant Link Blank Half Circle 14 5x28 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued Gold PlatedSKU PND 0396Nunn Design Primitive Tag Pendant Elongated Oval 10 5x32 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued GoldSKU PND 08437Nunn Design Primitive Tag Pendant Small Circle 17 5x18 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued SilverSKU PND 08441Nunn Design Primitive Tag Pendant Elongated Oval 10 5x32 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued SilverSKU PND 08438Nunn Design Primitive Tag Pendant Drop 13 5x41 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued SilverSKU PND 08435Nunn Design Flat Tag Pendant Blank Marrakesh Drop 28mm 1 Piece Antiqued Silver PlatedSKU PND 0403Nunn Design Flat Tag Pendant Link Blank Circle Eclipse 30mm 1 Piece Antiqued Copper PlatedSKU PND 0392CASTIN CRAFT Casting Epoxy Resin Opaque Red Pigment Dye 1 OzSKU TRC 85CASTIN CRAFT Casting Epoxy Resin Opaque White Pigment Dye 1 OzSKU TRC 87CASTIN CRAFT Casting Epoxy Resin Opaque Brown Pigment Dye 1 OzSKU TRC 81BeadSmith Metal Hole Punch Pliers For Sheet Metal 1 8mmSKU XTL 0069Nunn Design Flat Tag Pendant Link Blank Half Circle 14 5x28 5mm 1 Piece Antiqued Gold PlatedSKU PND 0396
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