How to Paint 4 Different Trees for Beginners | Easy Watercolor Tutorials

by Jay Lee Painting & Charlie's Vlog

How to Paint 4 Different Trees for Beginners | Easy Watercolor Tutorials


Level 1 Real time Online Painting Tutorials are available at I do this as my full time job so your support is very much appreciated Become my patron on Patreon then you can access the real time online painting tutorials again include more of my palette water pot and towel in the camera view Supply ListPaper Strathmore Artist Papers 140lb cold press Saunders Waterford 140lb cold press or hot press Arches 140lb cold press Paints Holbein Shinhan Schmincke Akademie and Horadam AquarellBrushes Normal watercolor brushes from one dollar store and chinese bamboo brushesPalette Small One Schmincke 12 half pan box setMiddle One AP Magic Aluminium Palette E0021Big One SHINHAN Watercolor Aluminium Palette A30 MusicE Minor Prelude by ChopinMysterious Sorrows by Aakash Gandhi ContactsIG FB jayartpaintingE mail tkstoryman hotmail com If you have any questions please feel free to contact me



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